Kirby: Squeak Squad, known in Europe as Kirby: Mouse Attack and in Japan as Kirby of the Stars: Calling on the Dorotche Gang (Japanese: 星のカービィ 参上! ドロッチェ団 Hepburn: Hos...
The enchanted forest is in trouble; the ancient eggs that sustain the sacred tree have been stolen and scattered across the world.
TMNT: The Power of 4 is a mobile phone game produced by uclick and developed by Overloaded, released on March 1, 2007. The game is based on the 2007 film TMNT. It is an arcade gam...
Play as Miyamoto Musasho in this beautiful 2D platformer and travel through a 17th century fantasy Japan, from north to the island of Ganryu-jima where everything happened between...
Trapped inside a magical music box, the invincible Wario is on a dangerous quest to help a mysterious figure recover its lost powers! Smash, bash and crash your way through more th...
The Revenge of Shinobi, known as The Super Shinobi in Japan, is the continuation of Shadow Dancer - the arcade sequel to Shinobi. The game was the first Shinobi title developed exc...
Titenic is a Famicom beat-em-up based off of the 1997 film Titanic by ex-Hummer Team members. This game was hacked to create the more well-known Harry's Legend. The game was most p...
Disney's Pocahontas is a platform game based on the film of the same name. The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive version was developed by Funcom Oslo on contract with Disney and was released...
Ayo the Clown is a 2.5D side-scrolling platformer reminiscent of genre favorites like Mario and Donkey Kong. What sets Ayo the Clown apart from traditional platformers is its sense...
Хардкорная платформенная игра для фэнтезийной консоли PICO-8.
The rich world of Overlord is yours to explore in this robust, story-driven Metroidvania. Play as fan-favorite Clementine and delve into an entirely new chapter in the Overlord ser...
Sorcerian is a side-scrolling action-RPG. The player can create up to ten characters, from whom up to four members can be present in a party at the same time. Each character is hig...
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World - это ремейк Super Mario World для Game Boy Advance, в котором впервые появился друг Марио-динозавр Йоши. Super Mario Advance - это серия...
Momodora III - это классическая платформерная игра с множеством предметов и секретов. Это третья часть серии Momodora, хотя играть в предыдущие игры необязательно, чтобы наслажд...
Junk Jack - это 2D-песочница, в которой вы можете исследовать, строить и выживать в случайно сгенерированных процедурных мирах, полных монстров, скрытых сокровищ и красивых пейзаже...
Chameleon Run - это однопользовательская игра, доступная в основном для мобильных устройств. Игра представляет собой высокоскоростной автораннер с приятной механикой двойного прыжк...
The peaceful world of the LocoRoco are under attack by the not-so-nice Moja Corps! These evil outer space creatures have come to take the LocoRoco from their land of blowing flower...
8-битные олдскульщики мира высказались. И боже, они поступили так решительно. Когда Capcom выпустила Mega Man 9 в стиле NES в 2008 году, они сделали это в качестве разового фан-сер...
In the game, a player controls RoboCop who advances through various stages that are taken from the 1987 movie. The bonus screen is a target shooting range that uses a first-person...
The citizens of Mobius just can't seem to catch a break. Dr. Robotnik (AKA Eggman) is yet again up to his no good tricks. Factories and pollution are spreading like wildfire as he'...
OlliOlli сочетает захватывающий игровой процесс с более чем 120 трюками и оттачивает мастерство на 50 хитроумно созданных уровнях, 250 испытаниях, режиме Spots и ежедневной трениро...
The game is largely based on the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. Set in 1945, British agent Rick Dangerous travels to the Amazon jungle to search for the lost Goolu tr...
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles - это совершенно новый взгляд на лучшую игру Castlevania, которая никогда не выходила в США, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. The Dracula X Chroni...
Treasure Island Dizzy is a computer puzzle game published in 1988. Treasure Island Dizzy was the second game in the Dizzy series, and is the sequel to Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon...
Ты - Зак. Зак - обычный ребенок. Жонглируйте шариками с уникальными свойствами, решая головоломки-платформы, чтобы достичь цели в конце каждого этапа. Помогите Заку заполнить его з...
Super Mario Bros. Special was the second Nintendo-licensed follow-up to Super Mario Bros., released around two months after Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. While superficially...
All you wanted was a nice game. But now you find yourself opening Windows apps like Paint & Notepad to solve puzzles, and searching for files on your computers that you didn't put...