In the year 2061, a manned space mission was planned for Halley’s Comet, which would once again be nearing Earth. A team was assembled from eight countries around the world, and sp...
The Chrono Jotter is a mystery and suspense visual novel that follows the steps of Ran Ibuki, a high-school student, as she investigates against the clock to discover who's killing...
Greaser is a visual novel about riding a Cronenbergian biomechanical motorbike along an endless unreal desert highway
A ship by the name of 'Lilith' has been navigating through space for two years with a single goal – reaching Eden, the heart of the Universe. The ship's team, consisting of Captain...
The game takes place in an abandoned amusement park. The game's characters are trapped within the park, with the outside world being in a post-apocalyptic wasteland infested with m...
Reflexia's story starts out as a parody of its genre and ends as a psychological drama.
Tailypo is a horror visual novel about a creature from Appalachian folklore.
A port of the visual novel Iwaihime from PC to Playstation 4 and Vita. It will include new scenarios.
High school couldn’t be more boring for you. Sure, you’ve got a cute friend who you’ve known since childhood, but your only true joy is playing video games. That all changes one da...
The second DLC side story for the game 99 Spirits. Contains a side story about Kotetsu's and Waka's backstory as well as 3 bonus stories in the Drama Theater section with stories t...
This Visual Novel tells the story of a dark journey in a broken world. The action takes place in the abandoned estate of the former Order called “Black Rose”. One day this estate...
A project penned by Ryukishi07 and illustrated by Inoue Itaru. The scriptwriter describes the story as a terrifying tale of how these innocent cute girls will have everything taken...
Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel. The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that is the stage of a novel for the user to read. They laugh and cr...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Legend of the Golden Witch is the first episode of the murder mystery sound novel by 07th Expansion, creators of the Higurashi series. This installment ser...
We invite you to experience this chillingly sweet romance.
You have a problem: you're out of work, and the government is threatening to cut off your benefits. Don't worry- Oswald Mandias will help you. He'll help everybody. Once his dreams...
Всплывают слухи. Легенды воскрешаются. В этом визуальном романе Лавкрафта вы играете за Алекса Н. Уилмарта, скептика и профессора Мискатоникского университета, чтобы разгадать ужас...
Glistening is a short sci-fi horror text adventure.
‘iPhone goth gf's iPhone’ высылает вам по воздуху - принять или отклонить? Романтическая история ужасов о жизни, смерти и мемах. Изменение перспективы может изменить все.
Five Nights at F***boy’s 2 is a FNaF fangame and sequel to surprise hit Five Nights at F***boy's created by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw in RPG Maker VX Ace. This version includes t...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Majo to Suiri no Rinbukyoku is a remaster of the Umineko no Naku Koro ni Question Arcs for the Playstation 3 by Alchemist. The remaster includes an entire...
Bring Me a Head! is a choice-based text adventure horror game about an executioner. It was a Grand Guignol entry for ECTOCOMP 2016.
This is the sequel to our Paper Bride series based on Chinese folklore. This story takes place in Zangling Village, where players must explore a village shrouded in occult mystery...
Dog of Dracula 2 is the conclusion of The Groomer Duology, a two-part visual novel odyssey examining the fragility of both the human and canine conditions.
GIRLS MAKE GAMES presents Interfectorem, a horrifying murder mystery! Interfectorem is the story of Alis, a young sheriff-in-training who lives alone with her sister Sali in a smal...